
Millésime BIO 2024

Discover the themes of the conferences

Themes of the conferencesSchedule
Direct sales : diversity of distribution networks (FR)
hosted by: Chantal Sarrazin (Journalist - Rayon Boissons)
with the participation of: Bénédicte Coyon (Purchasing Director - Les Grappes), Emmanuel Heck (Elected representative on the cellar committee - Biocoop) and Patrick Viala (President of "Mas des agriculteurs" - producers' shop)
>> See the replay                          >> View the presentation
Monday, January 29th

Selling organic wines in bulk : new perspectives (FR)
hosted by : Chantal Sarrazin (Journalist - Rayon Boissons)
with the participation of: Florian Ceschi (Broker-Ciatti Europe), Sébastian Beemelmans (Sales Director- Riegel Weinimport), Sébastien Narjoud (Consultant - ICV) and Jacques Frelin (Director-Jacques Frelin Vignobles),
>>See the replay   
Monday, January 29th

 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Organic and wine merchants : How is the sector working to reduce its carbon footprint? (FR)
hosted by: Aude Legrand (Vice-President - Federation of Independant wine Merchants)
with the participation of: Laurent Maynadier (Château Champ des Sœurs), Clémene Hugot (Coordinator - France Consigne)
>> See the replay                          >> See the presentation
Monday, January 29th

3:30pm - 4:30pm
Biodiversity is my business ! (FR)

Conference and prize-giving ceremony

in partnership with VitisBio, the Federation of Independant wine Merchants, LPO and the Chamber of Agriculture Hérault                                                with the participation of: Elia Clauzure (Research officer - LPO), Séverine Henin (Agri-environment adviser - Chambre Agriculture Hérault)
>> Conference replay                          >> See the presentation

>> Prize-giving ceremony replay

Monday, January 29th

4:30pm - 5:30pm
News and outlook for the organic wine sector (ENG translation)
hosted by: Sudvinbio
with the participation of: Olivier Catrou (Head of the Pôle Bio - INAO)
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Tuesday, January 30th
Production, distribution, consumption : everything you need to know about organic wine market. (ENG translation)
moderated by: Laure Verdeau (Director - Agence Bio)
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Tuesday, January 30th
Organic wine buyers in France : What are the dynamics? What are the attitudes? (ENG translation)
Millesime BIO observatory of organic wine consumption. Exclusive results of the Millesime BIO - Circana study.
moderated by: Christophe Ferreira (Shopper Insight consultant - Circana)
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Tuesday, January 30th
Organic beer : Sharing experiences in agroecology and local supply chains (ENG translation)

hosted by : Elisabeth Pierre (Académie Bierissima, "Zythologue", Editor of Mordu magazine)                                                                                            with the participation of the following breweries : Burosse (Gers), Orgemont (Marne)

>> View the replay                         >> See the presentation

Tuesday, January 30th
1:30pm - 2:30pm

Biodiversity, soils, climate... Wine: Should you have the #Organic reflex? (ENG translation)

Round table                                                                                                                                                                                                                hosted by : Olivier Roirand (deputy editor-in-chief of ViàOccitanie, president of the Occitanie Press Club)                                                                      with the participation of: Marc André Selosse (Professor at the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris), Serge Zaka (Agroclimatologist and vice-president of the Infoclimat association), Gaby Benicio (Sommelier at the Äponem restaurant (34), winner of the 2023 Michelin sommellerie award and President of the Challenge Millesime BIO)

>> View the replay                         >> See the presentation

Tuesday, January 30th
2:30pm - 4:00pm
BIO - Dynamic : the best environmental labels  ! (FR)
hosted by : Willy Kiezer (Biodynamic journalist and author)
with the participation of: Mathieu Boesch (Dm Léon Boesch - Demeter) and Justine Saurel (Dm Montirius - Biodyvin)
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Wednesday, January  31st
  10:00am - 11:00am
Organic wine : between naturalness and innovation, the varieties of tomorrow ! (FR)
hosted by Marie Corbel (Director of the Languedoc Regional Interprofessional Technical Division)
with the participation of: Vincent Pugibet (President of the Piwi network, Dm de la Colombette), Nicolas Dutour (oenologist - Laboratoire Dubernet) and Fabien Gross (Dm Villa Noria)
>> View the replay                         >> See the presentation
Wednesday,January  31st
11:00am - 12:00am
Dare to reuse bottles ! (FR)
Testimonials from operational projects and the assistance available
hosted by: Anne Claire Degail (Manager - Oc Consigne)
with: Philippe Lelong (Dm Le Pech d’André), Corinne Lafortune (La Consigne de Provence), Cédric Berger (Léko)
>> View the replay                          >> See the presentation
Wednesday January  31st
 12:00am - 1:00pm

Discover more content about the organic wine sector on and experience again the conferences of previous editions on our Youtube channel Sudvinbio.

Watch the replays of the 2023 Millésime BIO conferences

Watch the replays of the 2022 Millésime BIO conferences

Watch the replays of the 2021 Millésime BIO -100% Digital webinars

Watch the replays of the 2020 Millésime BIO conferences

Watch the replays of the 2019 Millésime BIO conferences

Watch the replays of the 2018 Millésime BIO conferences

Sudvinbio Sudvinbio, interprofessional association gathering producers and traders of the organic wine industry of Occitania. It organizes the Challenge Millésime Bio contest and the Millésime Bio trade fair. Visit the site
Challenge Millésime BIO International organic wine contest of Millésime Bio trade fair. Visit the site