Onsite - Admin Oenothèque
1205 échantillon inscrit
You are currently on the profile of VIGNOBLES LORGERIL - Maison Lorgeril
You can exhibit 1 reference free of charge in the tasting area of the fair.
The Lycée Agropolis students and their teachers are in charge of the Enoteca in hall B4.
Please deliver your bottles to the self-service tasting area on Sunday 26 January between 4pm and 7pm or Monday 27 January between 7:30am and 9am.
For exhibitors who have pre-registered a reference in their online exhibitor area, your technical sheet for the Enoteca will be printed on site after checking the samples. For the others, we will provide you with a technical form to be filled in on site. Preregistered wines will be given priority. The wines are classified by country and wine region.
2 dedicated areas:
You can choose to reference your sample in one of the 2 areas below:
- Classic wine library classified by country, region and colour
- Resistant grape varieties reserved for wines made from resistant varieties authorised in the catalogue (100% or blend)
1 bulk wine area:
Exhibitors from the Occitanie region can register a 2nd sample free of charge in the bulk wine area.
Number of bottles to be provided:
- Wine: 6 bottles
- Beers*, ciders: 6L
- Spirits, liqueurs: 1 bottle
* Beers: no use of barrels in the wine library. You must provide bottles.
ℹ️ To get your untasted samples, please contact the Enoteca staff before 15pm on the last day of the fair.
Click on one of your product to register it in the Enoteca
and select the select the required area at the end of your product technical sheet.
No product registered yet?
Enter one to register it in the Enoteca