Hall A4 - n°1539
- Type de produit
- Autre boisson alcoolisée bio
- Conditionnement
- Bouteille verre
- % d'alcool
- 15,0%
Mode de production
- Type de sol
- Non communiqué
- Type de vinification
- Non communiqué
- Type d'élevage
- Non communiqué
- Mode de production complémentaire
- Aucun
Réseaux distributions
- Réseau(x) de distribution actuel(s)
- Café / Hotel / RestaurantCavisteExportateurImportateurSommelier
Notes de dégustation, médailles et distinctions
- Notes de dégustation
- We shaved off 35% of our organic rice and brewed it using only the core of the rice. (We have a production process that is closer to recycling by using the rice bran that we produce as fertilizer for our fields.) Brewing using only the core of the rice results in a sake with very few unpleasant flavors, a mild taste, and a strong aroma. The aroma and flavor of this very luxurious brewing method will be immediately apparent when you drink it. It has a refreshing aroma like apples and bananas, and a fruity taste with multiple layers of rice flavor. It is also perfect as a drink with a meal, lightly chilled.