Hall A4 - n°1502
- Type de produit
- Autre boisson alcoolisée bio
- Conditionnement
- Bouteille verreCanette métallique
- % d'alcool
- 6,0%
Mode de production
- Type de sol
- Non communiqué
- Type de vinification
- Non communiqué
- Type d'élevage
- Non communiqué
- Mode de production complémentaire
- BiodynamieSans sulfites ajoutésVegan
Réseaux distributions
- Réseau(x) de distribution actuel(s)
- Café / Hotel / RestaurantCavisteCourtier / Agent commercialDétaillantDétaillant BioE-commerce / VPCExportateurGMSGrossisteImportateurNégociant / courtierSommelier
Notes de dégustation, médailles et distinctions
- Notes de dégustation
- The brewing water is the spring water of Kashima Shrine, which boasts a history of 2,400 years, "Gosui", 100% natural beer barley grown in-house (no fertilizer, no compost, no pesticides), and brewed without beer yeast, using natural yeast that lives in the brewery, which was founded 350 years ago. International Beer Cup 2020 Bronze, the only craft beer adopted by "INUA", a sister store of "NOMA" in Copenhagen, the only organically certified craft beer in Japan, and organically certified